Why Raptors are Cool

I really like raptors because they are cool and awesome. They eat different things and also are a type of dinosaur. They are the cool type of dinosaurs and also have 3 sharp claws.

Why Raptors are cool 2

I also think that raptors are cool because they are predators, and they also my favorite type of dinosaur. They can also run very quickly and can overtake most type of animals. This is why I think raptors are the best type of dinosaur.

Why Raptors are everywhere..

Raptors are everywhere in the minds of people because they have put their mark on the history of dinosaurs. They are one of the most ferocious and amazing looking ones, like a mini T-Rex.


Raptors are amazing because they are amazing. They can easily take care of their enemies and also are very ferocious. I think they have very good senses, and can see very well around their surroundings.

All You See is Raptors

Raptors used to be all over the world, but there are many theories on how the dinosaurs died out. It's a shame we can't oberserve these wonderous creatures anymore.


I think that the final detail of raptors have to be that their fossils are everywhere, many already found. We can at least see their fossils, but no body.